I am an artist, potter and facilitator. I make sculptural pottery rooted in traditional ceramic processes that are reimagined playfully, respectfully acknowledging their origins whilst questioning ideas of functionality and ritual. Themes of heritage and place underpin my explorations in clay.

I enjoy the freedom of hand-building which lends itself to complex surfaces and forms. My pieces are assembled using found textures and patterns which I translate into vessels using moulds. Layers of slip are built up to create complex surfaces which reference opulence and decay.

I studied Fine Art at Edinburgh College of Art and came to ceramics through an Erasmus year abroad in Strasbourg. In 2020-21 I was an Associate Artist at Open School East, Margate. Driven to deepen my technical skills in ceramics, I studied at Clay College Stoke, 2022-24. I advocate using clay as a catalyst for conversation and collaboration and am driven to use its heritage to pose social and environmental questions.

> Full CV

> Contact: camillejb@live.co.uk